ConohaVPS+KUSANAGIでサーバーを追加後にyum updateをした後にKUSANAGI Managerでドメインとメールを入力して
SSL化ONをクリックすると「ご確認ください。サイト設定変更 : 不明なエラー」が出ます。
Jan 11 18:43:34 kusanagi-manager: [2021-01-11T09:43:34Z ERROR kusanagi_manager::kusanagi] ExitStatusError("Skipping bootstrap because certbot-auto is deprecated on this system.\nYour system is not supported by certbot-auto anymore.\nCertbot cannot be installed.\nPlease visit to check for other alternatives.\nCannot get Let\\\'s Encrypt SSL Certificate files.\n失敗しました。\n\n")
Jan 11 18:43:34 kusanagi-manager: [2021-01-11T09:43:34Z ERROR kusanagi_manager] KUSANAGIErrorWrapper(GetLetsEncryptError(Error("exit_status_error: Skipping bootstrap because certbot-auto is deprecated on this system.\nYour system is not supported by certbot-auto anymore.\nCertbot cannot be installed.\nPlease visit to check for other alternatives.\nCannot get Let\\\'s Encrypt SSL Certificate files.\n失敗しました。\n\n")))
Jan 11 18:43:34 kusanagi-manager: [2021-01-11T09:43:34Z ERROR actix_web::pipeline] Error occurred during request handling, status: 500 Internal Server Error kusanagi_error
kusanagi ssl --emailコマンドも同様のエラーでだめでした。