
TOP Forums インストール(Installing KUSANAGI) kusanagi9の初期設定で失敗する


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    • #1292





        [root@test01 ~]# dnf upgrade -y

        このシステムは、エンタイトルメントサーバーに登録されていません。subscription-manager で登録できます。

        メタデータの期限切れの最終確認: 2:36:18 前の 2023年10月30日 16時53分32秒 に実施 しました。
        パッケージ Arch バージョン リポジトリー サイズ
        kusanagi-openssl x86_64 3.1.4-1.el8 kusanagi 924 k
        kusanagi-openssl-devel x86_64 3.1.4-1.el8 kusanagi 3.8 M
        kusanagi-openssl-libs x86_64 3.1.4-1.el8 kusanagi 2.8 M
        kusanagi-php81 x86_64 8.1.25-1.el8 kusanagi 11 M

        アップグレード 4 パッケージ

        ダウンロードサイズの合計: 18 M
        (1/4): kusanagi-openssl-3.1.4-1.el8.x86_64.rpm 3.7 MB/s | 924 kB 00:00
        (2/4): kusanagi-openssl-libs-3.1.4-1.el8.x86_64 9.6 MB/s | 2.8 MB 00:00
        (3/4): kusanagi-openssl-devel-3.1.4-1.el8.x86_6 11 MB/s | 3.8 MB 00:00
        (4/4): kusanagi-php81-8.1.25-1.el8.x86_64.rpm 38 MB/s | 11 MB 00:00
        合計 33 MB/s | 18 MB 00:00
        準備 : 1/1
        scriptletの実行中: kusanagi-openssl-libs-3.1.4-1.el8.x86_64 1/1
        アップグレード中 : kusanagi-openssl-libs-3.1.4-1.el8.x86_64 1/8
        scriptletの実行中: kusanagi-openssl-libs-3.1.4-1.el8.x86_64 1/8
        アップグレード中 : kusanagi-openssl-3.1.4-1.el8.x86_64 2/8
        アップグレード中 : kusanagi-openssl-devel-3.1.4-1.el8.x86_64 3/8
        アップグレード中 : kusanagi-php81-8.1.25-1.el8.x86_64 4/8
        scriptletの実行中: kusanagi-php81-8.1.25-1.el8.x86_64 4/8
        整理 : kusanagi-openssl-3.1.2-1.el8.x86_64 5/8
        整理 : kusanagi-openssl-devel-3.1.2-1.el8.x86_64 6/8
        整理 : kusanagi-php81-8.1.24-1.el8.x86_64 7/8
        整理 : kusanagi-openssl-libs-3.1.2-1.el8.x86_64 8/8
        scriptletの実行中: kusanagi-openssl-libs-3.1.2-1.el8.x86_64 8/8
        検証 : kusanagi-openssl-3.1.4-1.el8.x86_64 1/8
        検証 : kusanagi-openssl-3.1.2-1.el8.x86_64 2/8
        検証 : kusanagi-openssl-devel-3.1.4-1.el8.x86_64 3/8
        検証 : kusanagi-openssl-devel-3.1.2-1.el8.x86_64 4/8
        検証 : kusanagi-openssl-libs-3.1.4-1.el8.x86_64 5/8
        検証 : kusanagi-openssl-libs-3.1.2-1.el8.x86_64 6/8
        検証 : kusanagi-php81-8.1.25-1.el8.x86_64 7/8
        検証 : kusanagi-php81-8.1.24-1.el8.x86_64 8/8



        [root@test01 ~]# reboot
        [root@test01 ~]# kusanagi init –passwd “x9v&+BKiEj” –nophrase –dbrootpass “xrtFz4kifF”
        Applying Location: Asia/Tokyo.
        Set kusanagi user password used for software update.
        Generate kusanagi user ssh-key.
        Generating public/private rsa key pair.
        Your identification has been saved in /root/kusanagi.pem.
        Your public key has been saved in /root/kusanagi.pem.pub.
        The key fingerprint is:
        SHA256:cHhK8NuvbVFHU1rIIZsF1lGhEzWkQZuKM2MJVCg3mns root@test01
        The key’s randomart image is:
        +—[RSA 3072]—-+
        | . .o. =B*@=|
        | +.= . =&o.|
        | X.+ oB.. |
        | + B. o o o |
        | + SB o . |
        | . E..= |
        | . .. |
        | o. |
        | … |
        nginx: the configuration file /etc/opt/kusanagi/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
        nginx: configuration file /etc/opt/kusanagi/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful
        nginx completed.
        Syntax OK
        httpd completed.
        php completed.
        kusanagi init: error: command returned 1
        kusanagi init: error: init failed
        新しいメールが /var/spool/mail/root にあります


        kusanagi init: error: command returned 1
        kusanagi init: error: init failed


      • #1293

          kusanagi statusの情報がないので憶測で書きます。
          kusanagi initの中でMariaDBのインストールをする処理で止まっているものと思われます。
          また /var/opt/kusanagi/log/kusanagi.log の中身を見ることで詳細が分かるかもしれません。

          • This reply was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by hideishi.
          • This reply was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by hideishi.
          • #1296

              kusanagi statusの結果を添付させていただきます。

              [root@test01 ~]# kusanagi status
              KUSANAGI Version 9.4.3-1.el8

              *** (active) nginx : nginx123 ***
              * nginx.service – The NGINX HTTP and reverse proxy server
              Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service; enabled; vendor prese : disabled)
              Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-10-30 19:50:32 JST; 14h ago

              *** (inactive) httpd : httpd ***
              * httpd.service – The Apache HTTP Server
              Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service; disabled; vendor pres t: disabled)
              Active: inactive (dead)

              *** (active) php : php80 ***
              * php-fpm.service – The PHP FastCGI Process Manager
              Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/php-fpm.service; enabled; vendor pre et: disabled)
              Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-10-30 19:50:38 JST; 14h ago

              *** (active) mariadb : mariadb10.5 ***
              * mariadb.service – MariaDB 10.5.22 database server
              Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service; disabled; vendor pr set: disabled)
              Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-10-30 19:50:14 JST; 14h ago

              *** (inactive) psql : ***

              *** (inactive) pgpool-II : ***

              *** python ***
              Python 3.9.18

              *** ruby ***
              ruby is not installed.

              *** Cache status ***

              *** WAF ***

              *** SELinux ***
              off (permanent)

              status completed.


              Oct 30 19:31:37 test01 kusanagi[565]: INFO:kusanagi.server:Boot
              Oct 30 19:33:15 test01 kusanagi[565]: ERROR:kusanagi.server:init failed
              Oct 30 19:33:15 test01 kusanagi[565]: Traceback (most recent call last):
              Oct 30 19:33:15 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 645, in async_action
              Oct 30 19:33:15 test01 kusanagi[565]: return await self.async_execute_comman (
              Oct 30 19:33:15 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 223, in async_wrapper
              Oct 30 19:33:15 test01 kusanagi[565]: return await (k_benchmark(logger=self. logger)(func))(
              Oct 30 19:33:15 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/decorators.py”, line 28, in async_wrapper
              Oct 30 19:33:15 test01 kusanagi[565]: result = await func(*args, **kwargs)
              Oct 30 19:33:15 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 292, in async_execute_command
              Oct 30 19:33:15 test01 kusanagi[565]: raise KusanagiExecutionError(
              Oct 30 19:33:15 test01 kusanagi[565]: kusanagi.errors.KusanagiExecutionError: ‘ opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/kusanagi/dispatchers/scripts/dispatc er init’ returned 1
              Oct 30 19:33:15 test01 kusanagi[565]: The above exception was the direct cause f the following exception:
              Oct 30 19:33:15 test01 kusanagi[565]: Traceback (most recent call last):
              Oct 30 19:33:15 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 83, in async_dispatch_stream
              Oct 30 19:33:15 test01 kusanagi[565]: await dispatcher.async_action(
              Oct 30 19:33:15 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 652, in async_action
              Oct 30 19:33:15 test01 kusanagi[565]: raise KusanagiActionError(
              Oct 30 19:33:15 test01 kusanagi[565]: kusanagi.errors.KusanagiActionError: init failed
              Oct 30 19:36:30 test01 kusanagi[565]: ERROR:kusanagi.server:init failed
              Oct 30 19:36:30 test01 kusanagi[565]: Traceback (most recent call last):
              Oct 30 19:36:30 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 645, in async_action
              Oct 30 19:36:30 test01 kusanagi[565]: return await self.async_execute_comman (
              Oct 30 19:36:30 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 223, in async_wrapper
              Oct 30 19:36:30 test01 kusanagi[565]: return await (k_benchmark(logger=self. logger)(func))(
              Oct 30 19:36:30 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/decorators.py”, line 28, in async_wrapper
              Oct 30 19:36:30 test01 kusanagi[565]: result = await func(*args, **kwargs)
              Oct 30 19:36:30 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 292, in async_execute_command
              Oct 30 19:36:30 test01 kusanagi[565]: raise KusanagiExecutionError(
              Oct 30 19:36:30 test01 kusanagi[565]: kusanagi.errors.KusanagiExecutionError: ‘ opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/kusanagi/dispatchers/scripts/dispatc er init’ returned 1
              Oct 30 19:36:30 test01 kusanagi[565]: The above exception was the direct cause f the following exception:
              Oct 30 19:36:30 test01 kusanagi[565]: Traceback (most recent call last):
              Oct 30 19:36:30 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 83, in async_dispatch_stream
              Oct 30 19:36:30 test01 kusanagi[565]: await dispatcher.async_action(
              Oct 30 19:36:30 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 652, in async_action
              Oct 30 19:36:30 test01 kusanagi[565]: raise KusanagiActionError(
              Oct 30 19:36:30 test01 kusanagi[565]: kusanagi.errors.KusanagiActionError: init failed
              Oct 30 19:43:39 test01 kusanagi[565]: ERROR:kusanagi.server:init failed
              Oct 30 19:43:39 test01 kusanagi[565]: Traceback (most recent call last):
              Oct 30 19:43:39 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 645, in async_action
              Oct 30 19:43:39 test01 kusanagi[565]: return await self.async_execute_comman (
              Oct 30 19:43:39 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 223, in async_wrapper
              Oct 30 19:43:39 test01 kusanagi[565]: return await (k_benchmark(logger=self. logger)(func))(
              Oct 30 19:43:39 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/decorators.py”, line 28, in async_wrapper
              Oct 30 19:43:39 test01 kusanagi[565]: result = await func(*args, **kwargs)
              Oct 30 19:43:39 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 292, in async_execute_command
              Oct 30 19:43:39 test01 kusanagi[565]: raise KusanagiExecutionError(
              Oct 30 19:43:39 test01 kusanagi[565]: kusanagi.errors.KusanagiExecutionError: ‘ opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/kusanagi/dispatchers/scripts/dispatc er init’ returned 1
              Oct 30 19:43:39 test01 kusanagi[565]: The above exception was the direct cause f the following exception:
              Oct 30 19:43:39 test01 kusanagi[565]: Traceback (most recent call last):
              Oct 30 19:43:39 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 83, in async_dispatch_stream
              Oct 30 19:43:39 test01 kusanagi[565]: await dispatcher.async_action(
              Oct 30 19:43:39 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 652, in async_action
              Oct 30 19:43:39 test01 kusanagi[565]: raise KusanagiActionError(
              Oct 30 19:43:39 test01 kusanagi[565]: kusanagi.errors.KusanagiActionError: init failed
              Oct 30 19:44:50 test01 kusanagi[565]: ERROR:kusanagi.server:init failed
              Oct 30 19:44:50 test01 kusanagi[565]: Traceback (most recent call last):
              Oct 30 19:44:50 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 645, in async_action
              Oct 30 19:44:50 test01 kusanagi[565]: return await self.async_execute_comman (
              Oct 30 19:44:50 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 223, in async_wrapper
              Oct 30 19:44:50 test01 kusanagi[565]: return await (k_benchmark(logger=self. logger)(func))(
              Oct 30 19:44:50 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/decorators.py”, line 28, in async_wrapper
              Oct 30 19:44:50 test01 kusanagi[565]: result = await func(*args, **kwargs)
              Oct 30 19:44:50 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 292, in async_execute_command
              Oct 30 19:44:50 test01 kusanagi[565]: raise KusanagiExecutionError(
              Oct 30 19:44:50 test01 kusanagi[565]: kusanagi.errors.KusanagiExecutionError: ‘ opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/kusanagi/dispatchers/scripts/dispatc er init’ returned 1
              Oct 30 19:44:50 test01 kusanagi[565]: The above exception was the direct cause f the following exception:
              Oct 30 19:44:50 test01 kusanagi[565]: Traceback (most recent call last):
              Oct 30 19:44:50 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 83, in async_dispatch_stream
              Oct 30 19:44:50 test01 kusanagi[565]: await dispatcher.async_action(
              Oct 30 19:44:50 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 652, in async_action
              Oct 30 19:44:50 test01 kusanagi[565]: raise KusanagiActionError(
              Oct 30 19:44:50 test01 kusanagi[565]: kusanagi.errors.KusanagiActionError: init failed
              Oct 30 19:49:39 test01 kusanagi[565]: INFO:kusanagi.server:benchmark: async_exe ute_command() took 2.557 s to execute.
              Oct 30 19:50:40 test01 kusanagi[565]: ERROR:kusanagi.server:init failed
              Oct 30 19:50:40 test01 kusanagi[565]: Traceback (most recent call last):
              Oct 30 19:50:40 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 645, in async_action
              Oct 30 19:50:40 test01 kusanagi[565]: return await self.async_execute_comman (
              Oct 30 19:50:40 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 223, in async_wrapper
              Oct 30 19:50:40 test01 kusanagi[565]: return await (k_benchmark(logger=self. logger)(func))(
              Oct 30 19:50:40 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/decorators.py”, line 28, in async_wrapper
              Oct 30 19:50:40 test01 kusanagi[565]: result = await func(*args, **kwargs)
              Oct 30 19:50:40 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 292, in async_execute_command
              Oct 30 19:50:40 test01 kusanagi[565]: raise KusanagiExecutionError(
              Oct 30 19:50:40 test01 kusanagi[565]: kusanagi.errors.KusanagiExecutionError: ‘ opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/kusanagi/dispatchers/scripts/dispatc er init’ returned 1
              Oct 30 19:50:40 test01 kusanagi[565]: The above exception was the direct cause f the following exception:
              Oct 30 19:50:40 test01 kusanagi[565]: Traceback (most recent call last):
              Oct 30 19:50:40 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 83, in async_dispatch_stream
              Oct 30 19:50:40 test01 kusanagi[565]: await dispatcher.async_action(
              Oct 30 19:50:40 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 652, in async_action
              Oct 30 19:50:40 test01 kusanagi[565]: raise KusanagiActionError(
              Oct 30 19:50:40 test01 kusanagi[565]: kusanagi.errors.KusanagiActionError: init failed
              Oct 30 19:55:44 test01 kusanagi[565]: ERROR:kusanagi.server:provision failed
              Oct 30 19:55:44 test01 kusanagi[565]: Traceback (most recent call last):
              Oct 30 19:55:44 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 645, in async_action
              Oct 30 19:55:44 test01 kusanagi[565]: return await self.async_execute_comman (
              Oct 30 19:55:44 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 223, in async_wrapper
              Oct 30 19:55:44 test01 kusanagi[565]: return await (k_benchmark(logger=self. logger)(func))(
              Oct 30 19:55:44 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/decorators.py”, line 28, in async_wrapper
              Oct 30 19:55:44 test01 kusanagi[565]: result = await func(*args, **kwargs)
              Oct 30 19:55:44 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 292, in async_execute_command
              Oct 30 19:55:44 test01 kusanagi[565]: raise KusanagiExecutionError(
              Oct 30 19:55:44 test01 kusanagi[565]: kusanagi.errors.KusanagiExecutionError: ‘ opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/kusanagi/dispatchers/scripts/dispatc er provision’ returned 1
              Oct 30 19:55:44 test01 kusanagi[565]: The above exception was the direct cause f the following exception:
              Oct 30 19:55:44 test01 kusanagi[565]: Traceback (most recent call last):
              Oct 30 19:55:44 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 83, in async_dispatch_stream
              Oct 30 19:55:44 test01 kusanagi[565]: await dispatcher.async_action(
              Oct 30 19:55:44 test01 kusanagi[565]: File “/opt/kusanagi/lib64/python3.9/site packages/kusanagi/dispatcher.py”, line 652, in async_action
              Oct 30 19:55:44 test01 kusanagi[565]: raise KusanagiActionError(
              Oct 30 19:55:44 test01 kusanagi[565]: kusanagi.errors.KusanagiActionError: prov sion failed
              Oct 31 10:48:30 test01 kusanagi[565]: INFO:kusanagi.server:benchmark: async_exe ute_command() took 9.023 s to execute.


          • #1297

              kusanagi statusとログの提供ありがとうございます。

              kusanagi statusの結果からはmariadbが正常に起動しているので、initに問題はなさそうです。

              それでもダメならば kusanagi dbinit mariadb を実行してみてください。

              • #1298


                  Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
                  Some challenges have failed.
                  Ask for help or search for solutions at https://community.letsencrypt.org. See the logfile /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log or re-run Certbot with -v for more details.
                  Execution failed: certbot certonly –text –noninteractive –webroot -w /home/kusanagi/test/DocumentRoot -d test.xxx.com -m xxxx@~~~ –agree-tos
                  Return code was 1
                  Failed to get Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate files.
                  ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)
                  Execution failed: RESET QUERY CACHE;
                  Return code was 1
                  kusanagi provision: error: command returned 1
                  kusanagi provision: error: provision failed

                  kusanagi dbinit mariadb実行後、initを試しましたが前回同様のエラーとなりました。

              • #1299



                  • This reply was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by hideishi.
              Viewing 3 reply threads
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